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What are  Dermal fillers

A dermal filler is a substance used to  smooth away wrinkles, enhance facial

contours and create fuller lips.There are many dermal fillers on the market,

Juvaderm, Voluma, Volbella, Restylane and Teosyal are some of the products

that we use. They are a crystal clear gel that is injected into the skin in small

amounts to restore volume and structure. The products are based on hyaluronic

acid, similar to the bodys own hyaluronic acid. The hyaluronic acid is non-animal

derived which means that no skin tests are needed and that there is a minimal risk

of allergic reactions.


What can dermal fillers improve? 

Dermal fillers can be used to fill out lines and wrinkles around your mouth, eyes,

nose to mouth and forehead.  Your lips and cheeks can be given a greater volume

and fuller appearance, or to simply reduce lipstick bleed caused by the fine lines

around the edge of the lip. 


Is it Painful 

A topical anaesthetic is applied to the lips before treatment for client comfort

and some of the products used are combined with lidocaine (an anaesthetic).

The procedure is quite comfortable.


How long will the procedure take

How long the procedure takes will depend on the amount of product to be injected and the location of the injection site. The lips would generally take 20-30 minutes to complete. The naso labial folds (nose to mouth lines) or the cheeks may take a little longer.


How long will it last 

The results are instant and will last between 6-9 months for lines and wrinkles. The lips and up to 9 months. Cheek fillers last up to 12 months.


What will I expect at the consultation

Your requirements are discussed in detail, a medical history is taken and a treatment plan is formulated. You may them proceed straight to treatment.


The treatment

The treatment will take 20-30 minutes to complete, it involves injecting the product into the underlying structures of the skin to plump out the wrinkle and to acheive the desired effect.


After the treatment

It is normal to experience some post-treatment

discomfort, such as redness, swelling, pain, itching, 

bruising or tenderness at the treatment site.

This typically subsides after a few days but may last

up two weeks.


What happens if I do not have a top-up?

The effect of the filler will gradually subside over

the months until your skin returns to look like it did

before the treatment.


Can it be used with Botox?

Yes, I quite regularly use them together to create

the best effect.

Dermal Fillers 

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